Thoughts about growing up in the 21th century

What does it mean to grow up in the 21st century?
Does it mean being the best version of yourself?
Or is it simply supplementary,
for forming a customary, itself?
In a time when one part of the world deals with bombshells,
the other deals with putting up their Christmas bells.
Our time has found another cure for our antagonists,
to win means abandoning the „manifest destiny“ by pragmatists.
So growing up in a time of change is requesting,
an unspoken expectation,
pivotally an impact making.
Simultaneously not too depressing,
again accept the adaptation,
this all shall not end in a riot acting.
So this time is you being a would’ve been,
could’ve been, should’ve been,
though hopefully no never ever will be,
who repeats the original sin.
Text und Bild: Ilayda Tapali